Welcome to our Bridgeprep Academy Parent Center!What is Title 1? Title I is the major component of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), passed in 1965 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty. Congress has reauthorized the Act numerous times since its enactment, making changes in focus each time. The current reauthorization of ESEA is the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 10, 2015. Title I funding flows from the U.S. Department of Education (as appropriated by Congress) to the Florida Department of Education (FDOE), which then allocates funds to Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS). The District adheres to Federal ESSA law mandates to ensure that Title I Schoolwide Program funding is provided directly to eligible schools above the 75 percent poverty threshold. Eligible schools spend the funds allocated based on formalized School Improvement Processes approved by M-DCPS and FDOE.
Title I is the part of ESSA that supports programs in schools and school districts to improve the learning of children from low income families. Title I is the largest federally funded education program designed to provide students with additional help in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
The Title I Program is committed to helping schools close the achievement gap between disadvantaged and minority students and their peers. This site is designed to supply users with information relevant to Title I in order to provide a clear understanding of the overall program. Additionally, Title I schools’ administrators and staff shall read the Title I Handbook, locate under the Resources navigation menu, in order to become familiar with all policies and procedures contained therein. It is imperative that the Supplement vs. Supplanting provision of the ESEA is observed at all times, to ensure that federal funds provide the additional educational resources that students and teachers in high-poverty schools need to succeed. Administrators are encouraged to reach out to the Department of Title I Administration, if clarification or assistance is needed. Title 1 Annual Parent Meeting Presentation![]() Project UP-STARTDid you know that Project UP-START is a program that provides additional support services to any student who is currently experiencing unstable housing? This includes students who are sharing the housing of family or friends out of hardship, students living in temporary shelters, public places, or in a hotel/motel. If you have school-aged children living in unstable housing or know a family in this situation, please contact us at 305-995-7558. Messages will be answered by Project UP-START's staff in the order in which they were received; however, if emergency shelter or food are needed, please contact the agencies listed below immediately:
Shelter Assistance
For immediate shelter assistance in Miami-Dade County, except Miami Beach, please call the Homeless Helpline at 877 994-4357. If you are located in Miami Beach, please call the City of Miami Beach Homeless Outreach Office, at 305 604-4663.
Food Assistance
Bridgeprep Academy Meal Distribution is School site based. Meals will be handed out at school sites on Monday through Fridays from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Please contact the school office for more information 786-477-4372. Community Feedings and Food Distributions for Families in Need:
United Way Miami Pandemic Assistance Program (Applications currently on pause due to overwhelming demand)
Bridgeprep Academy of Greater Miami Online Resources BPA Mobile Device Distribution Sites
Bridgeprep School will be distributing devices at each campus location. Please contact the school office for more information at 786-477-4372. Distance Learning - Resources (Presentation on Online resources and Parent Engagement) - Provides information on free Comcast internet as well as useful digital tools and tutorials. Comcast Essentials Click on The Parent Academy Webinars ![]() ![]() Parent and Family EngagementParent to Teacher Communication
Conferences with individual teachers must be arranged by contacting the teacher via email. Teachers may also be available during their breaks; however you must make an appointment for these times. Parent conferences are not to be held while other families are able to hear information for other students as all student information is private and we respect each of their individual abilities. Moreover, please do not engage in parent/teacher conferences during arrival or dismissal times as the primary goal for all school staff is to maintain the safety of all students at all times.
Always attempt to resolve issues/conflicts with the teacher(s) before communicating to the administration. Most issues can be resolved when you have open and honest communication with your child’s teacher.
Order of contact to resolve an issue is: Teacher → Assistant Principal → Principal
School to Parents Communication
1. https://bagreatermiami.bridgeprepacademy.com, in which home learning, calendar and all communication is posted.
2. www.dadeschools.net, is the Miami-Dade County Public Schools website in which you can view your child’s grades.
3. Emails and notifications will be sent home periodically informing you of upcoming activities or deadlines.
PAVE HOURS (Parents Active in Volunteering in Education) PARENT ACTIVITIES
The goal of our school is make every child’s potential a reality through a strong collaboration of parent/teacher/community partners. The goal of our school is to bring into closer relation the home and the school; so, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth. We urge all parents to actively participate in all school activities, together we make a difference, together our children will grow stronger and self-reliant. Join Principal’s Roundtable to be up to date on school events and activities.
Volunteers Information
Volunteer Requirements, Options, and Guidelines
Earning PAVE Hours
Any parent/guardian who would like to volunteer in the classroom must inform the classroom teacher prior to volunteering. Approval from the administration must be confirmed before parents will be allowed to enter any classroom(s).
FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK ON OUR STUDENT PARENT HANDBOOK Parent Engagement SurveyDAC/PAC information and Resources for Parents |