Sharing information to help our families access free to low cost internet access from home and cell providers.
1. Comcast COVID-19 response: offers free WiFi for 2 months to low income families plus all Xfinity hot-spots are free to the public during this time.
2. Charter Free Internet offer for 2 months and will locate free public Wifi locations.
3. AT&T COVID-19 response: offers open hot-spots, unlimited data to existing customers, and $10/month plans to low income families.
4. Sprint COVID-19 response: Provides unlimited data to existing customers and, starting Tuesday, 3/17/2020, will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge
5. T-Mobile COVID-19 response: Unlimited data to existing customers and, coming soon, will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge.